






通用设施:中餐厅 前台贵重物品保险柜 电梯

服务项目:会议厅 洗衣服务 行李寄存 叫醒服务

客房设施:国内长途电话 拖鞋 书桌 24小时热水 电热水壶 免费洗漱用品(6样以上) 110V电压插座 独立淋浴间 吹风机 中央空调










餐饮:重庆德庄火锅 好又多食府 咖啡时光餐厅 蜀乡情 石头门坎素包店

购物:天津购物网 乐易购购物中心 华润万家十一经路购物广场停车场


地铁站:大王庄 十一经路 远洋国际中心 直沽 小白楼

景点:开滦矿务局大楼 利华大楼


评论 1:房间还可以,就是天津站到旅店的车貌似换车站了,走了很远。服务态度很好,第一个房间马桶一直漏水后直接换了一个房间,就是每天大概3次左右的扔卡片,看着很无奈。有图有真相,图里的是一次扔进来的量。附近有个北区面馆味道不错。

评论 2:酒店还不错,很整洁,每天送瓶装水,离地铁十一经站也就五六分钟路,周围吃饭的地方也多,不过酒店的自主早餐实在不怎么样,价格不便宜,东西还很少,不如自己出去吃,房间隔音性确实差点,不过,旅馆只提供一次性拖鞋,洗澡就没办法了,房间里也没有任何的抽屉衣柜什么的,稍微有点不方便

评论 3:先在携程上订好的房间,酒店到火车站很近,出租车起步价就能到火车站(起步价8元+1元)。总之,环境还是不错的。

评论 4:I was a little confused when I arrived, as the first desk you come to that says "Motel 168" didnt have any staff. I thought I arrived too early, so I stood around waiting for someone. It turns out you have to walk a bit further to the desk that says "Home Inn" (which I assumed was only for Home Inn guests). There are both Home Inn and Motel 168 staff there. As a native English speaker with minimal Chinese ability, thankfully I did not have any trouble checking in. There is a drinks fridge by the front desk in case you need a bottle of water, and also two complimentary bottles of water in the room. The room itself was nice, fairly large, but the ends of the large bed extended almost wall to wall, so I had to awkwardly climb over it to reach the other side of the room. When I opened the window I was greeted with the sight of two discarded containers of rotting fast food and a crack pipe sitting on the ledge outside. I would say the room was not thoroughly cleaned before my arrival, but I have seen much worse. The view from the window was nice, but the window is small, and I had to lean out a bit to see. But its nice that there actually was a window! The bathroom is also nice, with a hair-dryer conveniently attached to the wall by the mirror. My main complaint is that the lighting is very dim, which is frustrating if you need to shave or apply makeup. The most important thing to me in a hotel is whether or not I can sleep. I am a light sleeper and when traveling I go to bed with earplugs and white noise playing. Thankfully it was not too loud outside my room, with slamming doors and conversation less than many other places in this price range. As such, I can recommend Motel 168.

评论 5:酒店不在市中心,但离市中心不算很远,离各个景区都不算远。过个马路有个车站,但离地铁站还是要走一段路。感觉是和如家合在一起办的,设备不算特别新了。房间比较小。每天打扫清洁不是很认真,前台服务也不太好。